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Fundamentals of Educational Technology Leadership

ECTC 801   Summer Institute 1
This project gave us the opportunity to get to know our new cohort. We had to choose a leader, create a website and be ready to perform in front of Cohorts 3 & 4 as well as the faculty.  
Cohort 5 Showcase 
                     Working with a large, new group of people had a lot of moments to learn, and reflect. This                                 assignment gave us a chance to reflect on the successes and struggles of the Showcase project. 
Individual Showcase Reflection
                   This is a dynamic website was created to display my work throughout this doctoral program.
                                                                   Digital Portfolio
                      The development and annual revision of a professional growth plan is an opportunity to  
                      revise and update leadership goals as well as our educational leadership philosophy. 
Professional Growth Plan
ECTC 802   Principles of Educational Technology Leadership
Working with Bernetta Doane, we created a presentation of the Skills Approach Model of leadership.
Each group presented a different leadership style in unique and interesting presentations.
                                         Leadership Group Project
This project allowed us to choose a setting and a technology and then develop a proposal for a specific application of that technology. Choosing your own topic helps to focus on technologies that might be of particular interest in future research. 
                                          Technology Use Proposal
The research paper was another opportunity to choose a topic which allowed me to go deeper into a previous topic. I find that researching the same topic uncovers aspects I had never considered. ​
                                                   Research Paper 
ECTC 804    Global Issues in Educational Technology Leadership
                                 For this assignment, we chose a topic and found an article from four different countries. After                                   writing a brief description of each article we then created a hashtag and posted it on a Google Map.
Mapping Educational Issues #internetaccessmatters
                       Working in a group of four: Jeannette Lim, Carol Munn, Susan Van Alstyne and I developed a                                     college course proposal: Incorporating Global Issues: Digital Storytelling Across Cultures. It was
                       a chance to work with different members of our cohort. 
Curriculum Project (Group)
                       Internet Access and Global Issues was the topic of my first literature review. It was a good                                           culmination of research skills, a sort of coding (to come up with common themes) and then writing                         in a more scientific way.            Literature Review 

ECTC 813      Advanced Using Integrated Software across the Curriculum


                        After having experienced an Escape Room (for the first time) in Summer II, the opportunity to

                        design our own themed room was a great opportunity to use our imaginations.

           Designing and Learning: Develop a Plan for a Themed Escape Room


                    This was a group project in which we worked collaboratively (starting in class during Summer II) 

                       and continued online, to apply the design principles of Ber's book Designing Digital Experiences 

                       for Positive Youth Development to a district technology plan of our choosing.

         Creating Meaningful Learning Environments with Technology


                       "Create a Field Manual for Blended Learning," was the focus of our second group project. We used                         the ADDIE model to guide our instructional design process. When designing a manual for others                           to use as a guideline or "how to" manual one must consider the many different ways it could be                           interpreted.                                    Blended Learning


                       Our last project was to create a Pecha-Kucha (20 slides with 20-second narration each) that                                   related the principles of Senge's The Fifth Discipline and Horn & Staker's book Blended. This kind

                       of assignment makes you really refine and condense the important concepts and then articulate

                       them in a concise manner.



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ECTC 812    Teaching in the Adult Learning Environment
                                                                 Summer 2019
ECTC 815     Administration and Supervision of Technology in Educational Settings

                     Our first group project (Cotter, Lampert, McCarty, Koch) was to design a long-term vision for three new                       schools and then plan and create a strategy for technology resources and integration. Additionally,                             procedures to coordinate and control technology integration and design evaluation tools and                                         implementation of data-driven decision making.

       Administration and Supervision of a Planned Growth Program


                     The next project piggybacked off of the first project and we were to first research Educational                                       Technology Coordinator Salaries and then write job descriptions for the posting, as well as                                             a policies and procedures manual to include evaluative criteria, duties and responsibilities, and forms                         necessary to do all of the above. 

      Hiring Three Technology Coordinators


                     The next assignment, with a different group (Cotter, Lampert, Vandalosky), put us in the position of a                         "leader in technology" tasked with the job of creating a plan to increase achievement in either                                       Mathematics of English. A plan for implementation, how to assess success, and the inclusion of all l                           learners was the focus of this project. 

Technology Implementation Plan


                     The final project with the same group as assignment #3 was to design a professional development                               experience for an entire district. We created a website to deliver the training. 

 Designing a Professional Development Experience Demonstrating and Exemplifying Your Role as School Leader

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